An Update
Its been a pretty typical week at the MacDonald house. Monday we ran, tuesday was Spanish, wednesday was mac and cheese night with Carole and thursday I worked until 8pm.
My stocks went up $0.70 (in total), that about at 0.02% increase in value. I''ll probably be able to retire and live off them real soon.
After a couple of unsuccessful weeks I have finally been able to secure a place to stay for our first few nights in Granada. With only 4 weeks to go, I don't think I actually have that much left to arrange or find.
Jon has been busy brewing beer and we will be bottling the cerveza this weekend along with the vino blanco. We sampled the red wine on Saturday and since no one has come down with an mystery illnesses and between Mike and Jon the bottle got finished, I'll have to declare it a success.
In other news, our neighbor, Mr. Sunshine Car, has upgraded. He seems to have replace his custom detailed camry for a mint green honda CRV. At first we weren't sure if he'd simply moved out but after observing how the CRV has been parked (he can't park), and peeking into the windows to see that it is indeed filled with junk we concluded that he had simply bought a new car. It was confirmed this morning when I saw him get in and start the new car. As for the sunshine car, my theory is that is got a few flat tires and without his trusty bicycle pump handy to pump them up, Mr. Sunshine Car simply had to abandon it.
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