Monday, March 19, 2007

New Toys

Jon and I bought a new SLR camera this weekend (I think we buy something new every weekend). After much deliberation, and a reality check with the budget, we settled on the Pentax K10D instead of the Cannon EOS 30D. We've got a compact Pentax already, and its give us good results so we thought we'd give one of their fancier models a go.

After only 1 afternoon testing out the new gear, I'd have to say we're pretty happy with it. We're mostly shooting in dummy mode still, but have moved on to playing with aperture and shutter speed a little. Its a pretty easy camera to get the hang of and with 10 megapixals, the images are going to look alright regardless of what we do.

The downside to such a camera is the large bag that I am required to carry since Jon thinks it looks silly on him. I think it looks silly too, but it is practical for carrying things in.

For now we are mostly photographing our neighborhood and our dog. Patches seems to enjoy modeling and will probably learn to get very exited by the sound of the shutter clicking. But the images are beautiful and we can't wait to take it out into the mountains on our adventures this summer.

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