Thursday, January 18, 2007

Last night found us at our favorite late night boardgames store purchasing the card version of Settlers of Catan. We have become mildly addicted to the board game, but since there are only two of us in our house (Patches hasn't learned how to play yet) we were thrilled to find the two person version with cards.

After a two hour game (which Jon won) we are definitely just as hooked! Its close enough to the board game to be familiar but has a lot of new options so you don't feel like you're playing the same game only with less friends.

If you

  1. like playing boardgames with your spouse
  2. like Settlers
  3. have an extra $24 in your pocket
  4. have accepted the fact that by purchasing two person games at 8pm on a Wednesday night you might be considered weird by some people

you should give it a try.


A said...

how does the trading work?

Jenny said...

Jon gives me what ever resources I want.

Really, there isn't as much trading b/c at the start of the game you have a "settlement" on each resource.